Wealth Management

Salvo Capital offers investment advice and wealth planning for individuals and corporate clients in terms of local and offshore investments, retirement planning and voluntary savings. Wealth planning is the process of meeting your life goals through the proper management of your finances. Life goals can include buying a home, traveling the world, saving for your child’s education or planning for retirement.

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Our wealth planning process comprises six steps that help you take a “big picture” look at where you are financially. Applying these six steps, we can determine where you are now, what you may need in the future and what you should do to reach your goals.

This process involves gathering relevant financial information, setting life goals, examining your current financial status and creating a strategy on how we can help you reach those goals and reviewing this on an ongoing basis.

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Wealth Management Process


Step 1

Establish and define the client-planner relationship

Step 2

Gather Client Data, including goals

Step 3

Analyze and evaluate your financial status

Step 4

Develop and present financial planning recommendations

Step 5

Implement financial planning recmmendation

Step 6

Monitor the financial planning recommendation

Salvo Capital has local and offshore unit trust solutions that are suited to the needs of our investors.  For the latest fact sheets regarding the portfolios as well as information pertaining to Salvo Investment Managers visit www.salvoinvest.com

Salvo Capital is affiliated with the following investment administration platforms for local and offshore investments: Ashburton, Rand Merchant Bank, Momentum Wealth, Investec, Momentum Wealth International, Allan Gray, Sanlam Glacier and Old Mutual International.